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WFP Zambia Country Brief, January 2017



  • Exports of maize and convoy dispatches for Malawi and Zimbabwe for the El Niño response are expected to resume in February with a contract of 5,000 mt now concluded. An additional contract of 8,000 mt of maize also earmarked for exports is planned and will be sourced from commercial traders.

Operational Updates

Home Grown School Meals: The concept note which highlights the transition of the HGSM into a government owned and managed programme with cross sectoral linkages has been developed and has circulated to government for review and endorsement. Once endorsed, the concept note will form a blue print for the design of a multi-sectoral programme. The design adopts an integrated model, bringing together key sectors of education, agriculture, social protection and nutrition to deliver a comprehensive package of support to schools and surrounding communities Farm to Market Alliance (FtMa): Formerly called Patient Procurement Platform (PPP), the FtMA has conducted an aggregator identification exercise which is expected to profile each of the potential aggregators using identified criteria such as governance, operational management, past experience in aggregation, types of value chain aggregated, as well as volumes and aggregation equipment available to them.

The southern and central provinces have been targeted and value chain commodities soya beans and groundnuts are prioritized. The selection of the value chain is, however, not exclusive and other commodities such as cowpeas, common beans and pigeon peas may be linked to off-takers if interest is expressed.

The project is also pursuing post-harvest management initiatives to ensure good quality of aggregated commodities, as well as increased marketable surplus. Discussions with several private companies have been held to solicit their participation in manufacturing as well as distribution/selling to farmers across the country.