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UNICEF Zambia Humanitarian Situation Report No. 8 - 06 September 2024


Situation in Numbers

• 9,800,000 people affected by drought.

• 6.600,000 people in need of humanitarian assistance.

• Over 3,000,000 children under 18 and 1,200,000 children under 5 years are facing prolonged food insecurity and are at high risk of common childhood illness, vaccine preventable disease outbreaks and malnutrition.

• 23,378 cumulative Cholera cases with 740 deaths. No new Cholera cases reported since 29th June 2024.


• 84 districts out of 116 have been severely impacted by the drought.

• 9,779,145 people are exposed while 6,552,027 people are adversely affected by the drought in 84 districts.

• Recent VAC assessment, using the IPC classification, indicates that $5.83 million people are food insecure (IPC 3 and above) and a further 235,688 people are in phase 4 (emergency).

• Over 3 million children under 18 and 1.2 million children under 5 years are facing prolonged food insecurity and are at high risk of common childhood illness, vaccine preventable disease outbreaks and malnutrition (SMART Survey, May 2024).

• UNICEF, working with Government and other cluster members have treated 6,411 children for SAM (inclusive of oedema cases) whilst 16,288 children were treated for MAM, from March to July 2024 in the drought affected districts.

• WASH partners completed rehabilitation of 526 boreholes, and 46 water schemes which include solarization and pipe networks increasing access to water for 405,000 drought-affected people.

• UNICEF procured contracts for rehabilitation and drilling of 765 water boreholes (569 for rehabilitation and 191 new boreholes) in 33 of the 84 drought affected districts.

• To ensure continuity of education during the drought, support was provided to the Ministry of Education (MoE) to develop audio and video content for grades 7, 9 and 12 and to deliver messages to parents about keeping children in school. A recent rapid assessment showed that school attendance and dropout rates have increased due to hunger and the need to support families to find food or income.

• 21,518 women, girls and boys were provided with risk mitigation, prevention and/or response interventions to address gender-based violence relating to drought specific issues.

• 8,002 people (4,314 females; 3,688 males), including 3,386 children (1,545 boys; 1,841 girls), accessed protection referral and gender-responsive services, including mental health and psychosocial support and family support services through district case.

• For measles campaign, UNICEF supported MoH to train an additional 1038 Community Based Volunteers (CBVs) and 438 Health Care Workers across the country.

• To date, there has been 23,378 cumulative Cholera cases with 740 deaths and no new cases reported since 29th June 2024.

• National contingency plan for Mpox has been developed and surveillance is ongoing – No Mpox reported to-date