Key highlights
As of 30 September, Zambia was hosting 94,618 People We Care For (66,981 Refugees; 3,815 Asylum seekers and 23,822 Former refugees – Other People We Care for) this comprises a total of 31,539 Families (Averaging family size = 3 per Household).
A total of 10,596 individuals were registered in the operation in the year 2022.
The Zambian Government continued implementing the pledges made during the Global Refugee Forum held in December 2019, with the support of UNHCR and other partners.
7,662 individuals in 2,115 families have returned home under the voluntary repatriation programme since December 2021.
As of 25 October 2022 – 329 Cases 1422 individuals had been submitted to various resettlement countries for resettlement consideration such as to the USA (775), Sweden (450), Finland (187), Australia (5), Norway (4), Canada (1).
As of the reporting date, 309 cases/1234 individuals had departed to various resettlement countries.
Approximately 84,624 people we serve can access Gender-based violence (GBV) services established by UNHCR and partners in all settlements and Lusaka.
UNHCR supported the Government RSD process through the recruitment of seven eligibility officers as well as provision of material and logistical support. Refugees entering through the northwestern, northern borders and those registering at Lusaka can access the asylum process.
28,655 people reached by GBV and MHPSS prevention and response awareness campaigns in 2022 so far.
A total of 105 received grants to start or expand their existing businesses. This include both people we serve (95) and host community members (10).
Through Caritas Czech Republic (CCR) 433 farmers have been earmarked to access agricultural inputs under the government’s farmers input programme (FISP) for the 2022/23 farming season.
UNHCR continued supporting Ministry of Health and government through provision of assorted supplementary essential medicines and medical supplies to eleven (11) health facilities in the refugee settlements and Lusaka urban Transit centre.
The continued processing of Mandate RSD for minority populations of which 6 cases have been completed and closed, of which 2 are recognitions; 2 cases are at second instance following an appeal of decision, 5 case are in assessment and 13 will be completed by mid-November 2022.
51,600 leaflets were delivered at BOL in August 2022 as part of the efforts to disseminate the right information about the work that UNHCR Zambia and its partners carry out.
For the year 2022, a total number of 16 visits to 3 correctional facilities (Kamwala, Lusaka Central-Male and Lusaka Central-Female) have been conducted.
The government partner presented a roadmap for the finalization of the whole process by December 2022 including in the provinces.
UNHCR-COR have an up-to-date data that can be relied upon to provide solutions to all POCS in the country with records captured through Biometrics, that can accurately be used assist populations through livelihoods and other interventions.