The Yemen Water, Sanitation and Hygiene (WASH) Cluster launched the WASH Needs Tracking System (WANTS) with the support of REACH to provide high quality WASH data and inform more effective WASH programming and planning. The WANTS comprises a set of harmonized monitoring tools which, through partner data collection, provide updated information and analysis on WASH access and needs throughout Yemen.
The common key informant (KI) interview tool is a community-level WANTS tool used in common priority districts. The findings below are based on three (n=3) common key informant (KI) interviews conducted across 3 communities in Al Ma'afer district, Ta'iz governorate. The type of assessed localities were rural areas. KIs are reporting WASH needs of their own communities. Data was collected by Solidarites International (SI) in July 2022. These findings should be interpreted as indicative of the WASH needs in Al Ma'afer district.