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Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, covering the period from 05 August to 19 August 2022



UNHCR and partners continue to address the needs of displaced families affected by heavy rains and sandstorms. During the reporting period, UNHCR's partners assessed more than 9,222 displaced families in several IDP sites 3,232 HH in Sana'a, 695 HH in Ibb, 3,052 HH in AlHoudaydah, 945 HH in Saada and 1,298 HH in Marib.

During the reporting period, UNHCR partner YARD successfully implemented two quick impact projects (QIPs) in WaSH sector (rehabilitation of two wells) in Barat Al-Anan District, Al-Jawf Governorate. The two wells are fully operational and provide water to local communities.

UNHCR's protection team conducted a monitoring visit to distribution points in Marib governorate, which committed to providing cash assistance to 3,914 beneficiaries (Rs 2,188 and MPCA 1,726) in a safe and dignified manner. The distribution process is ongoing, and so far, 2,165 beneficiaries have received cash assistance with the remainder expected to arrive during the coming period through daily follow-up with implementing partners.

UNHCR's CCCM partner SHS has started a project to dig roads at Alsowayda IDP site. The project involves evening out and paving 450 meters along one path of gravel dust (Helsen). The road will connect the newly created blocks to the paved main road. The project aims to improve the safety of some 1,472 HH (8,025 individuals) at Alsowayda IDP site (3rd largest IDP site in Marib governorate) and reduce health risks related to respiratory diseases through dirty roads.