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Yemen: UNHCR Operational Update, 22 November 2019


IDP Response

Fighting and displacement are continuing in various frontlines in Taizz governorate, as well as armed clashes in Ibb governorate. According to the recent IOM/DTM report, Taizz saw the highest number of displacements between 10-16 November, with 284 families fleeing their homes. Field Office (FO) Ibb distributed 41 basic needs item packages and 12 emergency shelter kits (ESKs) to the most vulnerable families in Taizz and Ibb governorates, though the actual number of families identified in need of support are estimated at some 1,800 and 400 families, respectively. Further assistance is scheduled to happen in the next two weeks, as lack of access due to the ongoing security situation and slow clearance by local authorities have hampered timely interventions.

The overall security situation in the Sa’ada region remains tense and unpredictable. During the reporting period, UNHCR verified the needs of 168 newly displaced families in the central Sa’ada district and provided basic household item packages to all, including 133 ESKs. This year, a total of 9,353 families received basic household item packages in Sa’ada governorate, and more than 75,000 IDPs, IDP returnees and vulnerable host community families received these goods country-wide.

UNHCR FO Sana’a, with partner YRC, met with local aurhotities on the implementation of four Community Supported Projects in Amran governorate, targeting both IDPs and local host communities. UNHCR proposed supplying a water tank and installing solar lights for the Kharif IDP hosting site and across four public medical centres in four districts, among other interventions. Authorities welcomed the suggestions and pledged their full support to the implementation of the project that responds to the needs of the governorate – where a huge number of displaced families have been accommodated since the beginning of the Yemen conflict.

UNHCR aims to build a total of 6,000 Tehama Emergency Shelter Kit (TESKs) in selected areas in Hajjah and Hudayhdah governorates over the next year. Some 704 TESKs have already been completed, while another 1,565 are awaiting materials to be sourced from the IDPs and the vulnerable host communities in an effort to enhance their livelihoods. TESKs are an upgraded version of the ESK, with the first layer of plastic tarpaulin sheets covered by an extra layer of locally-sourced palm leaves. This helps to lower the temperature inside shelters, which is essential for IDPs living in hot and humid areas such as Abs district, Hajjah.

Refugee Response

Over the course of two months, three Participatory Assessments were held through the Age, Diversity and Gender Mainstreaming Policy in the largest refugee and asylum-seeker communities in the southern governorates, namely Kharaz refugee camp in Lahj governorate, Basateen neighbourhood in Aden governorate and Al Mukalla and Sayun in Hadramaut governorate. The participants highlighted the need for better livelihoods, registration, documentation and reinforced durable solutions support, among other needs. Children were found to be the most affected by the diminishing protection space, particularly girls who are being married off as a desperate coping mechanism. Due to the dire economic situation, many refugees have lost their jobs as labourers and are unable to afford their daily living costs in light of for the rise in the prices of essential goods and services. Discrimination against refugees is widespread, creating further difficulties in securing work or accommodation. UNHCR will draw on the conclusions and implement them into future programming activties.