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Yemen: Situation Report National - November 2017 [EN/AR]


Shelter remains the third most critical need for both IDPs and returnees after food and access to income/financial assistance. Assessment reports indicate that the living conditions of the affected population continues to deteriorate as their basic needs become more acute and families living in IDP Hosting Sites lack support to identify sustainable shelter solutions.—HNO 2018

Updates on YHRP 2017 Cluster Indicators

Over the past month the situation for the Yemeni people continued to deteriorate and in addition to the suffering caused by the continued conflict the tightened blockade has made a bad situation significantly worse. It is beyond comprehension how people continue to survive the hardships brought about by over 2 years of intense war.

However based on the figures from October implementation beneficiaries receiving emergency shelter kits were almost double what was achieved in October similarly for families receiving NFI kits. The distribution of rental subsidy was almost 20% more than last month.

In total some 100,000 people were assisted in November 20% more than in October.
This was largely due to the fact that most of these stocks had already been procured and were not immediately affected by the blockade.