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Yemen + 1 more

Yemen Situation Report 15 - 30 April 2014



  • In May, WFP plans to reach 747,750 beneficiaries across Yemen.

  • USD 117.5 million is needed to cover WFP operations until December.

Situation Update

  • Yemen is the poorest country in the Arab region and is the 7th most food-insecure country in the world.
    According to the Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan, 14.7 million people, more than a half of the Yemeni population, require humanitarian assistance in 2014. These needs remain largely unchanged from 2013.

WFP Response

  • Under the extended emergency operation (EMOP),
    WFP is targeting 3.8 million beneficiaries during the first six months of 2014: 643,000 IDPs and returnees, 2.8 million people with food and cash transfers, 179,000 children under two with preventative nutrition support, 133,000 children under five with nutrition treatment, 135,000 pregnant and nursing women with nutrition support, and 30,000 Yemeni returnees per month. The EMOP will be followed by a new Protracted Relief and Recovery Operation (PRRO) from July.

  • The new PRRO will assist some six million people over two years through a range of activities including food and cash distributions, food or cash for work and assets, treatment and prevention of acute and chronic malnutrition and micronutrient deficiencies, and meals and take-home rations for children regularly attending school.

  • Additionally, WFP also continues to provide assistance to 38,750 refugees from the Horn of Africa.

  • Through the ongoing girls’ education programme (DEV 200432), WFP is targeting 100,000 school girls with take-home rations that will benefit 700,000 people.