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Yemen: Second Standard Allocation 2021 Dashboard


The Second 2021 Standard Allocation (SA2) of the Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) was launched by the Humanitarian Coordinator on 9 November to support some of the most vulnerable people in prioritized areas across Yemen. The allocation came at a time when the situation in Yemen continues to deteriorate amid a funding crisis that is impeding scale-up of life-saving aid to avert the risk of famine.

The SA2 supports three strategic priorities, namely (i) to improve dignified living conditions for the most vulnerable IDPs in under-served sites as well as in new sites lacking services in prioritized sub-districts; (ii) support durable interventions through innovative programming and localized solutions in selected districts in Amran, Taiz, Al Hodeihda, and Al Jawf Governorates; and (iii) support affected communities’ movements and access to services through mine action clearance and RRM.

A total of $44.5 million was allocated to 35 partners implementing a total of 38 projects across nine Clusters, including RRM, as well as multi-cluster projects. Promoting an integrated approach to programming, 26 out of the 38 projects1 funded under the SA2 include multi-sector interventions. Funding will target more than 1.5 million people2 in need of assistance in 39 districts across 10 governorates.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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