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Yemen: Sanaa Floods - DREF n° MDRYE011 Final Report



Description of the disaster

Heavy rains in Sana'a governorate caused extensive damage to public infrastructure, shelters for displaced people, and other private property. Three people died and two were injured due to the heavy rain. In Sa'adah Governorate, 299 families were affected, and approximately 50 of them were affected by heavy rains in various districts. Yemen's annual rainy season starts in May and normally goes until August or September, but in 2022, Yemen witnessed heavier than normal rains, ranging in intensity, accompanied by thunderstorms starting in May 2022. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) Agrometeorological Early Warning Bulletin1, the forecasts covering until July 31 favour the formation of heavy rains, especially affecting areas to the north of Ibb and central Hadramawt. Heavy rains and flooding caused significant damage in Yemen from May to mid-September 2022, resulting in the loss of lives, destruction of property and livelihoods, and damage to infrastructure.

Heavy rains and flooding continued across Yemen into the third week of August 2022. At least 18 governorates have been affected by flash floods and flooding, resulting in loss of lives, destruction of property and livelihoods, and damage to critical infrastructure such as roads. According to the UNOCHA Yemen Floods situation update issued on 24 August 2022, more than 51,000 households have been affected across the country since mid-April –an increase of 16,000 households since 10 August 2022, Yemen: Situation Update - Humanitarian Impact of Flooding | As of 24 August 2022 [EN/AR] - Yemen | ReliefWeb. According to YRCS's recent assessment reports based on information collected from the affected communities, humanitarian organizations, and local authorities, more than 40,000 households across 16 governorates were affected by the recent floods until mid-September 2022. Heavy rains and widespread flooding plagued Yemen from mid-July to mid-September 2022. The vast majority of those affected live in displacement camps and settlements where shelters, livelihoods, and water sources were damaged. Despite funding constraints, relief organizations moved quickly to provide immediate assistance to affected families. However, significant gaps remain as emergency response supplies deplete. Assessments were also ongoing in many affected areas, while humanitarian partners, including national and international NGOs, UN agencies, and Red Cross and Red Crescent partners, continued to respond to affected and displaced people's immediate needs.

Later reports issued by UNOCHA in September-October 2022 indicate that the number of people affected were increased and flooding impacted around 80 percent of the country, leaving 74,000 households (over 500,000 people) in need across 175 districts and 19 governorates. Yemen Humanitarian Update - Issue 9/ September 2022 [EN/AR] - Yemen | ReliefWeb