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Yemen: Rapid Response Mechanism-First Line Response RRM Annual Snapshot, Jan - Dec 2024



Yemen has continued to face immense humanitarian challenges in 2024, resulting from the armed conflict and climate change induced natural disasters. An estimated 531,006 people have been displaced since January 2024. Among them, 93 percent (492,877 individuals) were displaced by climate-related crises, while seven percent (38,129 individuals) were displaced due to armed conflict.

The United Nations multi-sectoral Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM), led by UNFPA in partnership with WFP, UNICEF and other humanitarian partners, has been pivotal in addressing the urgent humanitarian needs resulting from these crises; providing immediate lifesaving assistance to affected people. From January to December 2024, the RRM reached 463,204 individuals representing 87% of those registered for assistance across 21 governorates, including most vulnerable groups of whom 22 percent were female-headed households, 21 percent elderly, and 10 percent people with disabilities.

In addition, the RRM helps to enhance the coordination and efficiency of aid delivery through the active sharing of data collected through the RRM process and Rapid Need Assessments. Data is shared with the Multipurpose Cash Assistance (MPCA)/Cash Consortium of Yemen (CCY), humanitarian clusters, OCHA’s Regional Coordination Teams (RCTs), and the Inter-Cluster Coordination Group (ICCG); thus helping to strengthen the overall humanitarian response for Yemen.