Informing humanitarians worldwide 24/7 — a service provided by UN OCHA


Yemen: Organizations’ Presence - May 2024 [EN/AR]



In May 2024, 113 aid organizations, including seven UN agencies, 63 national NGOs, and 43 international NG0s, actively implemented the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) across all districts in Yemen.
The Food Security and Agriculture cluster led with 50 partners in 140 districts, followed by the Health with 40 partners in 333 districts, Nutrition cluster had 37 partners in 329 districts, and Protection cluster had 36 partners in 168 districts, and and Water Sanitation and Hygiene with 35 partners in 75 districts.
Other clusters the Rapid Response Mechanism cluster (12 partners in 133 districts) and the cluster shelter/NFI (13 partners in 26 districts), Refugees & Migrants Multi-sector (10 partners in 30 districts), Camp Coordination & Camp Management (8 partners in 43 districts).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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