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Yemen: Organizations’ Presence - July 2023 [EN/AR]



In July 2023, 127 aid organizations implemented activities under the Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP) in all districts of Yemen. Nine UN agencies carried out response activities in 332 districts, while 79 national NGOs were active in 285 districts, and 39 international NGOs operated in 216 districts.

The Protection Cluster had the highest number of organizations implementing activities, with 45 active partners in 223 districts. The Food Security and Agriculture Cluster (FSAC) has 39 organizations operating in 240 districts. The Health Cluster had 38 organizations active in 330 districts. The WASH Cluster and Nutrition Cluster ranked fourth and fifth in terms of the number of organizations, with 35 organizations operating in 97 districts and 33 organizations in 331 districts, respectively.

During the same period, the Education Cluster had 26 organizations implementing response activities in 88 districts.
The Shelter (SNC) Cluster also had 22 organizations implementing activities in 32 districts.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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