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Yemen: Monthly Situation Report (September 2023)



During the reporting period, RDP, supported by WFP, distributed nutritional supplements to a number of 5,852 children under 2 and 3,578 PLW to prevent the chronic and acute malnutrition in Mustaba district of Hajjah governorate. Besides,
RDP has conducted awareness-raising sessions in targeted district to promote appropriate feeding for infants and young children which help increase their chances of survival as well as optimal growth, reaching almost 8,974 of population.

RDP, in collaboration with WFP, continues to treat moderately acutely malnourished children and PLW by supporng 21 health facilities with TSFP services. A total of 1,637 children under five (748 boys – 889 girls) and a number of 1,640 PLW received therapeutic supplements (Plumpy Sup & WSB+) to help reduce child mortality in Sama & As Silw districts of Taizz governorate. In addition, RDP raised awareness among community members on health and nutrition key messages, reaching more than 1,163 pregnant and lactating women.