RDP reached 1,452,653 individuals disaggregated 644,774 men, 670280 women, 65,899 boys and 71,700 girls through integrated package of Health, Nutrition, WASH and Food Security Interventions in September, 2018.
Daily Nutritional Services in Mudhiakhera District.
IYCF Counselling in Mudhiakhera District.
Health & Hygiene Messages in Mudhiakhera District.
Supplementary Feeding Program in Mudhiakhera, Al-Udayn, Far Al-Udayn and Hazm Al-Udayn Districts of Ibb Gov.
Daily Health Services in Mudhiakhera District.
AWD and Cholera Cases in Mudhiakhera District.
Prodigy Observation in Mudhiakhera District.
Rehabilitation of Water Scheme in AlHasha Village of Far Al-Udayn District.
A Suicide Case in Mudhiakhera District.
Attempted Suicide In Mudhiakhera District.
Another Suicide Case in Mudhiakhera District.
Workshop on PSEA, GBV, and Child Protection.
Assessment of WASH Services in 187 Health Facilities in Six Governorates (Amanat Al Asimah – Sana’a - Amran – Dhamar – Marib – Al Bayda).
Humanitarian Context
On October 8th, NAMCHA reported that a total of 26,257 displaced families from Al Hudaydah Governorate were currently living in Sana’a City, and all households have received RRM kits and NFIs.
WHO reported that the cumulative suspected cholera cases between 27 April 2017 and 30 September 2018 was 1,222,500 cases with 2,530 associated deaths. A total of 224 districts reported suspected cholera cases as of 30 September. Children under the age-5 represented 30 per cent of total suspected cases. Seven governorates continued to report an increase in suspected cases, these are Abyan, Aden, Al Hudaydah, Lahj, Marib, Sa’ada and Taizz.
Armed clashes continued along Taizz front lines, which intensified in the districts of Maqbanah and Jabal Habashi with no significant changes to the front lines. Acute shortages of fuel are reported in Ibb and Taizz Governorates, and consumers are relying on the black market to meet their fuel needs.
The Protection Cluster reported nine civilian impact incidents across Sana’a hub over the twoweek period from 18 October, resulting in 10 civilian casualties, six of them fatalities. In Al Bayda Governorate, a roadside improvised explosive device in Al Quraishyah reportedly killed three civilians and injured two others. On 1 November, in Amanat Al Asimah and Sana’a governorates, multiple airstrikes reportedly hit Al Dailami airbase near Sana’a airport, the Jarban area in Sanhan District, and Hamdan District in Sana’a Governorate. No civilian casualties were reported.
Sporadic armed clashes continued on the Taizz frontlines, mainly on the western and northern sides of the city, in Maqbanah District. In Ajwad residential area, shelling reportedly killed a child and injured four other children and a woman. The Protection Cluster reported 22 incidents in Taizz Governorate between 18 and 31 October, resulting in 22 civilian casualties, 8 of them fatalities. Shelling caused most of the casualties, damaged buildings and displaced households.