Original 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan
The 2017 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP) released in February 2017 sought US$2.1 billion to reach 12 million people with life-saving and protection services across the country. The strategic focus of the YHRP revolved around the following strategic objectives:
Provide life-saving assistance to the most vulnerable people in Yemen through an effective, targeted response.
Ensure that all assistance promotes the protection, safety and dignity of affected people, and is provided equitably to men, women, boys and girls.
Support and preserve services and institutions essential to immediate humanitarian action and the promotion of livelihoods and resilience.
Deliver a principled and coordinated humanitarian response that is accountable to and advocates effectively for the most vulnerable people in Yemen.
The scope of the revised 2017 YHRP: reflecting the findings of the Periodic Monitoring Review and the requirements of the integrated cholera response plan
Following a comprehensive Periodic Monitoring Review (PMR) exercise in June 2017, the Yemen Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) agreed to revise the 2017 YHRP based on available new information and performance against 2017 YHRP targets as well as new activities and requirements stemming from the integrated cholera response plan.
In reviewing the YHRP, the HCT confirmed that the original planning scenario (see 2017 YHRP, p. 10) still applies to the current situation.
As a result, the original strategic objectives, overall activity portfolio and prioritization remain unchanged. Cross-cutting approaches to gender and protection also remain unchanged. Details on strategic objectives, prioritization, joint programming and approaches to gender and protection across the response can be found in the original YHRP document.
The most significant changes to the YHRP are therefore related to the implementation of the integrated cholera response plan while limited adjustments in targets and financial requirements have been reflected for existing activities, based on demonstrated progress and new collected evidence.
The revised 2017 YHRP in figures
The Revised 2017 YHRP seeks $2.3 billion to reach 12 million people with a range of life-saving and protection services across the country.This figure represents a 13 per cent increase in financial requirements, which is primarily attributed to the Revised 2017 YHRP absorbing requirements outlined in the July 2017 Integrated Cholera Response Plan. Altogether, funding requirements have increased by $271,127,909, of which $254,053,700 comes from the Integrated Cholera Integrated Response Plan. Four clusters have introduced changes: Health, WASH, Nutrition, Emergency Employment and Community Rehabilitation (EECR). The Refugee and Migrant Multi-Sector Response Plan (RMMS) has also introduced changes. Remaining clusters will maintain their original 2017 response plans and requirements. More details on sector-level changes in targets and requirements appear in Table 1 reported below.
- UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
- To learn more about OCHA's activities, please visit https://www.unocha.org/.