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Yemen Humanitarian Pooled Fund (HPF) - 2015 Annual Report [EN/AR]


Executive Summary

  • The Yemen HPF supported the strategic priorities identified in the 2015 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP), and helped strengthen the humanitarian architecture, coordination mechanisms and programme cycle management of the humanitarian response. Some US$54 million were channelled to partners or committed in support of life-saving assistance to 3.4 million people affected by conflict.

  • In 2015 the HPF received a total of US$56.7 million in contributions, which together with a carryover of US$9.1 million, brought the total available to US$65.8 million. Contributions received in 2015 represent a 250 per cent increase from 2014. A total of 31 partners were funded through the HPF throughout 2015 - eight UN agencies and 23 NGOs. NGOs were allocated 53.1 per cent of the funding (US$28.7 million) and UN agencies 46.9 per cent (US$25.3 million).

  • From June to September, the Central Emergency Response Fund (CERF) made four allocations totalling US$44.2 million through the Rapid Response window in support of the operations of seven UN agencies in Yemen. The HPF has been used strategically in support of aid organisations to complement and augment the activities funded through the CERF; both funds combined amounting to nearly US$100 million.

  • As the level of operational, financial and reputational risks are considered to be substantial in Yemen; a comprehensive Operational Manual was developed to ensure a strong process of management and oversight, including an accountability framework. To meet its accountability commitment towards participation, an eligibility process was also launched in July 2015 to assess NGOs’ capacity to participate as partners to the HPF.

  • The rolling out of the Grants Management System (GMS) in parallel to the launch of the HPF allowed for an efficient management of the projects funded by the HPF and flow of information between the Humanitarian Financing Unit (HFU), OCHA’s Funding Coordination Section (FCS) and implementing partners; and will serve as the institutional memory of the Fund.

  • The HPF is an important financing tool for humanitarian operations in the country, representing 7.3 per cent of the funding received against the 2015 HRP for Yemen (US$895.7m). Continued donor support is required in 2016 to build on the successes of the HPF and to meet its fundraising target of US$65 million.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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