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Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) Second Standard Allocation 2021



The 2nd YHF Standard Allocation (SA2) was launched on 9 November with the main objective to enhance dignified living conditions for thousands of displaced persons in sites at a time when 5 million vulnerable people are just one step away from famine. An envelope of US$ 45 million was available for this round.

The following priorities were identified:

• Priority 1: Improving dignified living conditions for the most vulnerable IDPs in under-served IDP sites and supporting partners’ interventions in new sites lacking services in prioritized sub- districts.

• Priority 2: Supporting durable interventions through innovative programming and localized solutions in Al Ashah district in Amran governorate, Al Qahirah and Al Mudhaffar sub-districts in Taiz governorate, Al Zuhrah in Hudaydah governorate, Al Maton and Al Hazm districts in Al Jawf governorate.

• Priority 3: Supporting affected communities’ movements and access to services through mine action clearance and RRM

The deadline to submit proposals was on 25 November.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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