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Yemen Humanitarian Fund (YHF) First Standard Allocation 2021



The 1 st YHF Standard Allocation (SA) was launched on 8 June with the objective of leaving no one behind at a time when 5 million vulnerable people are just one step away from famine and the humanitarian response remains underfunded. An envelope of US$ 50 million was available for this round. The following priorities were identified:

  • Priority 1: Improving living conditions and access to assistance and protection for People With Disability (PWD), minority groups such as the Muhamasheen, and persons with other specific needs (limited to female-headed households, vulnerable children exposed to neglect, abuse, violence, exploitation, and child marriage).

  • Priority 2: Provision of life-saving integrated response for people in acute needs in 4 hard to reach, frontlines and under-served areas with high severity of needs.

  • Priority 3: Provision of emergency, life-saving assistance and protection to the most acutely vulnerable IDPs, refugees, migrants and host communities most at risk due to recent displacements and conflict.

  • Priority 4: Provision of life-sustaining services and protection to the most vulnerable people in acute needs to improve their resilience.

The deadline to submit proposals was on 25 June


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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