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Yemen HRP 2024 - Annex 3b: Attaining Protection Outcomes: A Holistic quality response that promotes a protective environment in line with commitments to the Centrality of Protection in Yemen


"In alignment with the Centrality of Protection Strategy for Yemen 2023-2024 and its action plan, clusters in Yemen have prioritized key protection activities for implementation in 2024, as detailed in Annex 3b of the 2024 Humanitarian Response Plan (HRP). After nearly nine years of crisis, the inconsistent access to essential services and economic opportunities has exacerbated the humanitarian situation, leading to increased reliance on harmful coping strategies such as reducing food intake, delaying or foregoing necessary medical care, practicing inadequate hygiene, and involving children in hazardous labor, child recruitment, or early marriages. The most vulnerable groups, including households headed by women and children, persons without civil documentation, minority groups, migrants and refugees, elderly individuals, and persons with disabilities, are disproportionately affected. Addressing only immediate needs without considering the medium- and long-term dynamics of this crisis undermines both humanitarian and protection outcomes. The 2024 HRP emphasizes the importance of a comprehensive approach that integrates life-saving aid with efforts to enhance access to basic services and livelihood opportunities, particularly for the most vulnerable populations. Such interventions not only foster a more protective environment but also prove to be cost-effective in the long run by reducing dependence on external assistance."

The 2024 annex highlights the prioritization of protection activities and emphasizes a comprehensive approach to improving the protection environment and overall humanitarian outcomes.