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Yemen: Emergency Response Fund - April 2014


In April, the Emergency Response Fund (ERF) and the Qatar Charity (QC) Organisation in Yemen co-financed a nutrition project worth $ 1,078,266. The QC contributed US$$578,266.
This project will pilot the concept of equal partnership in implementation of projects supported by contributions from Gulf organisations. The project will be jointly monitored by the national implementing partner, the Charitable Society for Social Welfare (CSSW), the QC and the ERF. This project will respond to severe and moderate acute malnutrition needs targeting 26,296 children under 5 in Al Hudaydah, Taizz, and Al Mahwit Governorates.

April Update

  • To date in 2014, the ERF has received US$6,669,881 in contributions from Denmark (US$ 3,683,314), the United Kingdom/DFID (US$2,686,567) and the Republic of Korea (US$300,000).

  • A total of 15 projects worth US$$ 4,608,339 have been approved for funding by the ERF from January to April 2014.

  • Out of the total allocation to projects during January to April 2014, 34% (US$ 1,546,508) was disbursed to national NGOs, 57% (US$ 2,637,919) to international NGOs and 9% (US$ 423,912) to a UN agency.

  • The first ERF Advisory Board (AB) meeting in 2014 was held on 6 April. The AB discussed the revised ERF Yemen strategy, which will provide the overall guidance for implementing partners in Yemen during the year 2014. The Board endorsed a call for proposal.

  • The Humanitarian Financing Section (HFS) conducted awareness raising session on the ERF for 26 national NGOs during a workshop organised by the national NGO, Yemeni Development Network (YDN).


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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