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Yemen: Cholera & Diphtheria Response - Emergency Operations Center - Situation Report No. 23 (24 February 2018)


1.1 Diphtheria Highlights

• According to MoPHP (24 February 2018), there are 1,172 probable diphtheria cases, including 72 associated deaths, in 168 districts among 20 governorates.

• The most affected governorates are Ibb (433 cases) and Al Hudaydah (145) Case Fatality Ratio (CFR) is 6.1 %. Children under the 5 years of age represent 20 % of probable cases and 36% of deaths.

• Contacts traced by district RRTs in 10 governorates: 517 (up to week 52), and 2,882 (weeks 1-7).

• Weekly admissions to DIUs: A total of 1,176 admissions were reported since week 52 up to week 6, 125 (week 4), 84 (week 5), (week 6) 81, (week 7) 80.

• Diphtheria Anti-Toxin (DAT) distributed per governorate: 1000 doses received in country up to (December 2017), with an additional 300 doses (January 2018) and around 592 doses arrived in WHO, Sana'a warehouse.