This report covers the period 01 January 2009 to 30 June 2009.
In brief
Programme purpose: The ultimate purpose of the programmes is to enable the Yemen Red Crescent Society (Yemen Red Crescent) to achieve its strategic and operational objective of building up capacities and scaling up services in line with its Strategy for 2007-2011
Programmes summary: During the reporting period, the main focus has continued to be on the development and implementation of comprehensive disaster management including preparedness, mitigation, recovery and prevention, as well as on health and care activities with increasing attention on preventive approaches. Whilst dissemination of the Fundamental Principles and Humanitarian Values was implemented as a cross-cutting element especially in the process of capacity building related to disaster management and health, the organizational development process sought to improve overall performance based on improved legal base, skilled leadership and management with clear strategic and operational goals as well as up-to-date systems and procedures
Financial situation: The total 2009 budget was revised from CHF 1,284,108 (USD 1,184,718 or EUR 842,888) to CHF 918,173 (USD or 847,106 or EUR 602,689), of which CHF 861,393 (94 per cent) covered during the reporting period (including opening balance). Overall expenditure during the reporting period was CHF 269,730 (29 per cent) of the budget.
Due to the shift of focus towards the Hadramout floods emergency operation and security restrictions, the rate of implementation of the Yemen RC with regards to the 2009 Plan was lower than expected and the budget was revised accordingly. However, it is important to emphasize that the International Federation component represents less than five percent of the total contribution by all other Movement partners to the Yemen operations, including the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) and the National Societies of Denmark, France, Germany, Norway, Sweden and the United Arab Emirates.
See also Yemen Floods Emergency Appeal and related reports at:
No. of people we have reached: During the reporting period, nearly 145,000 people in Yemen benefited directly from the secretariat-supported programme interventions.
More than 40,000 beneficiaries, including refugees and flash flood victims of the Hadramout floods, have been reached though the disaster management programme. More than 70,000 beneficiaries, including the beneficiaries served in cooperation with the different partners of the Yemen RC, have been reached through the health and care programme. In the meantime, key RC community members including National Society leaders, managers, staff and volunteers have benefited from the organisational development and capacity building interventions. Finally, more than 30,000 beneficiaries have been reached through the dissemination of the Fundamental Principles and Humanitarian Values (via the ICRC and the International Federation activities).
Approximately more than 150,000 people are expected to benefit from the same programmes during the second half of the year.
Our partners: To achieve its objectives through increasing partnerships, the Yemen RC continued to closely work with the Movement partners like the International Federation, ICRC, Partner National Societies (PNSs) such as the Danish Red Cross, Norwegian Red Cross, Swedish Red Cross, French Red Cross, Italian Red Cross, German Red Cross, and the United Arab Emirates Red Crescent. In addition, the National Society worked with non-Movement partners such as the Department for International development (DfID), United Nations High Commissioner for Refuges (UNHCR), United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF), United Nations Development Programme (UNDP), United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), OXFAM, World Food Programme (WFP), World Health Organisation (WHO), and the World Bank. The Yemen RC also worked with government authorities including the Ministry of Public Health and Population, Ministry of Water and Environment, Civil Defence, Ministry of Agriculture, Geological Survey Authority, Yemeni Centre for Remote Sensing, Islamic Relief, Al-Saleh Foundation, and Yemeni Women Union.
Swedish government through Swedish Red Cross, DfID, Norwegian government through Norwegian Red Cross, and Danish government through Danish Red Cross have been the main contributors to the Plan during the reporting period.