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Yemen and the Humanitarian Development - Peace Triple Nexus: Analytical Paper (6), May 2024 [EN/AR]



The concept of Humanitarian-Development-Peace (HDP) Nexus is a creative and applicable idea in practice, and needs to be framed in a way that reflects short-term priorities of humanitarian action, as well as and medium and longterm priorities and requirements of peacebuilding and stability.

The HDP triple nexus approach is not easy, especially in Yemen, given the plethora of difficulties and obstacles facing its implementation in real life, which requires serious efforts to find the most relevant formula to interconnect and integrate all three dimensions in a clear manner where opportunities in promising and supportive sectors are explored, and resources directed towards balancing out needs across the triple nexus, in addition to investments required to promote security and stability.

This approach ensures recovery from the fallout of war and conflict that have had negatively affected the social fabric, significantly reversed development in the country with unprecedented deterioration of economic conditions. In addition, it weakened the role of national development institutions for amid growing role of international organizations and donors in addressing humanitarian needs without striking a balance between humanitarian, development and peacebuilding dimensions, which calls to urgently reinstate the national structures to play their intended role in implementing this approach based on solid foundations of complementarity and true partnership with the donor community as well as with international and regional organizations.

Therefore, this analytical paper will try to highlight these the concepts enshrined in this methodology and its mechanisms and assess performance of this nexus and promote opportunities for peace in Yemen. This can be done by tracking the actions made to support the humanitarian and social processes, bolster development and peacebuilding efforts, and how this methodology can be applied in the Yemeni context, including opportunities and requirements needed to bring the country back to the path of recovery and achieve sustainable development