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Yemen: All Girls Foundation WASH Project [EN/AR]


Water is at the heart of sustainable development, and is essential for socio-economic development, energy, food production, ecosystem integrity and human survival. It is also at the core of the climate change adaptation process, as it plays the role of a link between society and the environment.

Water is also a matter of rights. As the world population increases, so does the need to create a balance between all commercial requirements of water resources to allow societies to get sufficient water. Women and girls in particular should have access to clean, private sanitation facilities that guarantee safety and dignity when dealing with feminine biological issues such as menstruation and maternity issues.

On a human level, water cannot be viewed in isolation from sanitation. Together, they are vital factors in reducing the global disease, as well as their role in improving health, education and economic productivity of the population. It is estimated that 16 million Yemenis are in need of humanitarian aid to enable access to safe drinking water, sanitation facilities, and basic hygiene, or to maintain access to it where 11.6 million Yemenis are in desperate need. The collapse of urban water and sanitation systems, deteriorating water and sanitation conditions in rural areas, and the lack of means to maintain personal hygiene and buy potable water contributed to one of the worst cholera outbreaks in the country in 2017.

Therefore, All Girls Foundation for Development has always sought to implement a number of projects in WASH sector in the areas most in need, as it implemented about nine projects in WASH sector in the governorates of Al Hudaydah, Amran, Sana'a, Hajjah in twelve districts as a partner with a number of international donors: YHF, OXFAM, and RELIEF. AGF implemented different activities focusing in the following:

  • Building seven concrete tower water tanks, four of which have a capacity of 60 cubic meters, and the other three with a capacity of 100 cubic meters.
  • Supplying and installing 14 solar-powered water systems for 14 water projects with the necessary pipelines for these systems to cover all the beneficiaries of the displaced and the host community.
  • Executing 13 pumping experiments for 13 wells; This is to test the water level and its quality through specialized offices, with the construction of 4 pumping and control rooms for 4 WASH projects.
  • Implementing 5 polyethylene pumping lines, with a total height of 49,600.5 meters.
  • Implementing more than 1000 sessions and an awareness campaign for the beneficiaries, through more than 100 community volunteers who were trained on a number of knowledge and skills, in a number of issues related to public and personal hygiene, and with more than 38,000 printed media items that were distributed during those campaigns and sessions.
  • Building 91 water points, ensuring fair and safe access to water for the displaced people.
  • Building and installing 863 emergency bathrooms for the displaced people.
  • Training of 20 water project committee members, with a total of 100 members for all committees; to manage projects financially and administratively.
  • Supplying and installing six water networks for six water projects, with a total height of 84,065 meters.
  • Distributing 13,025 hygiene kits and 4,200 basic hygiene kits to the displaced and host communities.
  • Supplying WASH projects with more than 16,200 liters of fuel; So that the community can operate it and have access to potable drinking water.
  • Organizing and implementing more than 15 community cleaning campaigns, removing solid waste and transporting it to landfills in the designated places. In addition to the suction and filling of the water swamps left behind by rain and torrential rains, in which insects and mosquitoes gather and are considered as a major source of disease and epidemics.
  • Distributing ten containers (boxes) of 800 liters of garbage and waste to a number of areas that lack them.
  • Distributed 2,780 cholera kits to meet the need in order to prevent cholera outbreaks.
  • Training of 91 community health workers on methods of transmission of cholera disease, pollution, how to treat water ... etc.
  • Adding chlorine to the water supply in the targeted areas.