Press Release No:2012/238/MNA
WASHINGTON, January 23, 2012– The World Bank has lifted the suspension of disbursements for all its International Development Association credits and grants for Yemen. The Bank has also reestablished a presence in Yemen to enable closer supervision of its portfolio of projects.
“We are committed to helping Yemen overcome its social and economic challenges in ways that have direct impact on improving people's living standards and opportunities in areas such as education, health, employment and governance," said A. David Craig, Country Director for Egypt, Yemen and Djibouti. “The messages from the streets and squares of the country have been very clear: accountable and transparent government responsive to the needs of all citizens. At the Bank, we too will continue and deepen our dialogue with civil society.”
The reopening will help the Bank engage more closely not only with government but with other stakeholders and partners regarding much needed support to the country. It will also assist the government of Yemen in undertaking a social and economic impact assessment of the crisis in partnership with the UN, the EU and the Islamic Development Bank.
“The Bank will accelerate the implementation of key projects to restore the urgent basic services in areas affected by the crisis and to help in generating jobs,” said Wael Zakout, the World Bank's Country Manager in Sana’a.
The Bank’s re-engagement comes as a direct result of the improving security situation in Sana'a and the establishment of the new national unity government. The World Bank closed its office as a result of turmoil and deteriorating security situation in Yemen in March 2011.
For more information about the World Bank’s work in Yemen, visit:
Contacts: In Washington: Lara Saade (1-202) 473-8997 , In Sana’a: Samra Shaibani (967-1) 413 710,
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