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WFP Yemen Situation Report #8, August 2024



  • 1.2 million people assisted by WFP - 17.6 million people food insecure (IPC Phases 3-4)

  • 6 million people in Emergency (IPC Phase 4)

  • 7.7 million people in need of nutrition support


• The food security situation in Yemen is deteriorating rapidly, with 62 percent of the population nationwide now facing inadequate food consumption – the highest ever recorded by WFP in Yemen.

• In northern Yemen, WFP in August started distributions under a Rapid Emergency Response to 1.4 million people in 34 districts designed to alleviate the food security impacts of the ongoing food assistance pause.

• In response to an alarming increase in acute malnutrition in southern Yemen, WFP in August started an emergency response in six districts of Al Hodeidah and Ta’iz governorates, including a scale up of malnutrition prevention and a two-month expansion of food assistance to 115,400 displaced people.

• Following severe floods across several areas of Yemen, WFP is responding through the inter-agency Rapid Response Mechanism, with 120,500 people assisted as of end-August.