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WFP Yemen Situation Report #12, December 2022


In Numbers

8.6 million people assisted by WFP in Yemen in December

17 million people food insecure

6.1 million people in IPC Phase 4 (Emergency)

3.5 million people acutely malnourished


  • Inadequate food consumption in Yemen decreased slightly in November for the third consecutive month.

  • Under the School Feeding programme, WFP in December expanded the Healthy Kitchens project to Sana’a city, targeting 7,000 schoolchildren.

  • The 2023 Yemen Humanitarian Needs Overview was released on 20 December, with 21.6 million people estimated to need humanitarian assistance in 2023, close to 70 percent of the population.


Food Security Situation:

  • According to the latest [WFP food security data,] the nationwide prevalence of inadequate food consumption slightly decreased in November for the third consecutive month. However, close to half of Yemeni households (48 percent nationwide) reported inadequate food consumption during the month, with rates at critically high levels in 16 of 22 governorates.

  • The cost of the minimum food basket also decreased slightly in November across the country. In areas under the internationally recognized Government of Yemen (IRG), the food cost is now similar to that at the same time last year but increased by 13 percent in areas under the Sana’a-based authorities (SBA).

Humanitarian Situation:

  • The 2023 Yemen Humanitarian Needs Overview (HNO) was released on 20 December, showing that 21.6 million people in Yemen are estimated to require humanitarian assistance in 2023, approximately 68 percent of the population.

  • This is a slight decrease from the 23.4 million people in need in 2022. However, the number of people estimated to be in acute need has increased from 12.9 million people in 2022 to 13.4 million people in 2023.

Political Situation:

  • Negotiations continued in December between the warring parties, as well as regional and international partners to revive the stalled peace process and renew the truce, which expired on 02 October.

Security Situation:

  • While no airstrikes nor cross-border attacks have been reported, hostilities increased across multiple fronts in late December, and military activity is currently at its highest level since the start of the truce in April 2022.