Key Highlights:
- For the fourth consecutive month, the share of households with inadequate food consumption soared to unprecedented levels in Yemen, 64% of households reported inadequate food consumption and severe food deprivation nearly doubled in northern Yemen reaching 37% over the past 12 month.
- 23% of households in the north and 15% in the south had at least one member go without food for an entire day.
- In IRG areas, the Yemeni riyal depreciated by 24% year-on-year and lost 68% of its value over the past five years, primarily driven by low foreign reserves and suspended crude oil exports.
- Pump fuel prices hit record highs in IRG areas; petrol increased by 20% and diesel by 24% in Aug 2024.
- In IRG, the minimum food basket cost rose by 23% year-on-year, driven by higher prices of key food items.
- Fuel imports through Red Sea ports increased by 11%, while southern ports saw a 9% decline. No fuel ships entered Al Hodeidah port since July 2024 attacks; all shipments diverted to Ras Issa port.
- WFP completed two cycles of general food assistance in IRG (in addition to two carry-over cycles from 2023), targeting 3.6 million people per cycle. The third cycle began in September 2024.
- In SBA areas, the pause in food assistance since December 2023 critically impacted food security; through Rapid Emergency Response (RER) distributions, WFP is reaching nearly 1.4 million people in September.
- Global FAO Food Price Index remained stable compared to last year, but the Vegetable Oil Price Index reached its highest since January 2023, impacting local markets with a 37% price rise in the south.