“With more than 50,000 people killed or maimed in Yemen, and three million displaced since the start of the conflict two years ago, humanitarian needs remain high," explains Arnaud Pont, head of Handicap International’s emergency operations in Yemen. "Thousands [of people] need physical and functional rehabilitation care or psychological support. The crisis is still largely ignored by the international community."
That's not the case for Handicap International. “Since the end of 2015, Handicap International has been tireless in providing response in these areas by assisting rehabilitation departments in three hospitals in Sana’a.”
Handicap International teams have trained 235 medical staff, and donated nearly 7,000 mobility devices–wheelchairs, walkers, and crutches–as well as consultation tables, and other necessary supplies. Since August 2015, we’ve assisted more than 4,500 people in the Yemeni capital.** **
Teams provide psychological support to individuals who are injured in explosions, and to those who witness the death of a relative. Staff organize one-to-one and group discussion sessions to help people manage their depression, stress, or shock that comes from the traumatizing experiences that come with conflict.
Allowing the individual to discuss their trauma or other day-to-day problems, and connecting them with others who have similar experiences can often help them recover and rebuild their lives.
Handicap International in Yemen
Handicap International worked in Yemen from the early 2000s up to 2012, focusing on physical rehabilitation. Since 2014, we support individuals affected by the ongoing conflict and assess the impact of the explosive remnants of war left by the current bombings. Learn more about our work in Yemen.