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USAID Peace Support Project in Yemen: Building Community Capacities for Conflict Resolution and Climate Change


USAID Peace Support Project in Yemen

Building Community Capacities for Conflict Resolution and Climate Adaptation

Within the framework of the United States Agency for International Development (USAID) project to support peace in Yemen, Building Foundation for Development (BFD), in #Abyan Governorate, concluded an introductory training workshop on the principles of (People for People, Gender, Inclusion, the principle of no harm, Negotiation and Reconciliation, and Conflict Sensitivity). The workshop, implemented by BFD, in partnership with the #Ark Group organization, and funded by USAID, is part of their project to support peace in #Yemen.

The workshop aimed to introduce the members of the Community Council in the #Zinjibar District, #Abyan Governorate, to the concepts of community work, and to build their capacities in the field of resolving local conflicts related to climate change issues, which the district suffers from. A specific group of 13 participants, representing the Community Council within the Zinjibar District, were trained on basic principles such as Gender, Inclusion, the principle of no harm, Negotiation and Reconciliation, and Conflict Sensitivity. The aim is to prepare them to conduct field visits to survey local conflicts and mechanisms for adapting to climate change.