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Yemen + 1 more

USAID increases support to national capacity building

Sana’a, Sunday, 24 February 2013 – The United States Agency for International Development (USAID) announced today its support to the Emergency Capacity Development Facility managed by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP). The initial 1,000,000 USD contribution will be channeled to Yemen via the UNDP Thematic Trust Fund for Crisis Prevention and Recovery through an agreement between the Headquarters of the agencies.

During a meeting with H.E Dr. Mohammad Al-Saadi, Minister of Planning and International Cooperation, the USAID Mission Director - Mr. Robert J Wilson reiterated “USAID commitment to support the national authorities during the transition phase and to strengthen the capacities of the core government institutions to deliver tangible changes to the Yemeni citizens”.

“The Yemeni Government has to complete ambitious programme of reforms during the remaining part of its mandate to meet the needs of the Yemeni citizens and complete the transition successfully” noted UNDP Senior Country Director Gustavo Gonzalez. “The ECDF is a good example of how Yemen’s development partners can join resources to provide immediate and flexible support to the Government during this delicate phase” he concluded.

Finally, the Minister of Planning and International Cooperation thanked “USAID for their generous contribution and expressed its clear expectations in terms of capacity support to be provided by the Emergency Capacity Development Facility project.” The Minister also solicited further resource mobilisation efforts to ensure the ECDF’s budget is fully funded.

The Emergency Capacity Development Facility project was launched in May 2012 by UNDP and the Government of Yemen, in close cooperation with development partners. The project is a multi-donor platform aiming at providing support to the core public sector institutions (i.e. President and Prime Minister Offices, Ministries of Planning, Finance, Industry and Trade, and Interior) to deliver on their mandate during the transition period and contribute to the implementation of the GCC Implementation Initiative.

With a total budget of 10 million USD over two years, the project has supported the Government in the elaboration of the Transitional Program for Stabilization and Development 2012-2014 and is providing critical input for the acceleration of its implementation.

For more information:
Please contact Mr. Walid Baharoon, UNDP Programme Officer
Mobile: (+967) 712222302 E-mail: