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UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report, 31 October 2022 [EN/AR]


Situation in Numbers

(OCHA, 2022 Humanitarian Needs Overview)

  • 12.9 million children in need of humanitarian assistance

  • 23.4 million people in need

  • 3.2 million children internally displaced (IDPs) (UNICEF, 2022 Yemen Humanitarian Action for Children)


In October, 180,073 conflict-affected people, including 150,318 children, were reached through explosive ordinance risk education (EORE) activities.

Community health workers screened more 160,000 children under the age of five for malnutrition using mid-upper arm circumference (MUAC) and provided primary health care (PHC) services to a total 341,406 people, including 81,669 children under five and more than 74,632 women of reproductive age.

As part of the back-to-learning campaign, UNICEF distributed school bag kits to 96,823 children.

Global Handwashing Day was commemorated with the theme “Unite for Universal Hand Hygiene” reaching an estimated 100,000 people.