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UNICEF Yemen Humanitarian Situation Report: 1 to 31 January 2022 [EN/AR]



  • During the month of January, UNICEF continued to support emergency WASH interventions in internally displaced persons (IDP) sites ensuring access to safe water and sanitation for more than 340,000 IDPs and 60,000 members of hosting communities.

  • UNICEF screened 73,929 children under 5 years of age for malnutrition. Of those screened, 2,992 children (1,352 male, 1,641 female) with severe acute malnutrition (SAM) were identified and admitted into mobile Outpatient Treatment Programmes (OTPs).

  • UNICEF, along with UNFPA and WFP, reached 11,185 newly displaced households (78,295 individuals) across 20 districts in 19 governorates with Rapid Response Mechanism (RRM) kits.

  • As of 31 January 2022, UNICEF Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) shows a funding gap of $428.2 million, or 88 per cent of the total appeal. Funding is urgently needed to continue UNICEF’s lifesaving work.

Situation in Numbers

11.3 million children in need of humanitarian assistance (OCHA, 2021 Humanitarian Needs Overview)

20.7 million people in need (OCHA, 2021 Humanitarian Response Plan)

2 million children internally displaced (IDPs) (UNICEF, 2021 Yemen Humanitarian Action for Children)

Funding Overview and Partnerships

The Yemen Humanitarian Action for Children (HAC) which is currently aligned to the 2021 Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan (YHRP), appeals for $484.4 million in 2022. UNICEF’s humanitarian programmes are planned for nationwide reach targeting populations in areas with the most acute needs, and the appeal integrated the COVID-19 response into programmes planned within the HAC. As of 31 January 2022, a total of $56.2 million was carried forward from 2021, leaving a funding gap of $428.2 million, or 88 per cent of the total amount required. Critical gaps exist in emergency nutrition and water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH) programming. Funding is urgently needed to continue UNICEF’s lifesaving work in Yemen.

Situation Overview & Humanitarian Needs

More than seven years into the conflict, 20.7 million people in Yemen need humanitarian assistance. Nearly four million people have been internally displaced, including two million children, making it the fourth largest internally displaced population globally. Over 50 districts across Yemen have been directly affected by active frontlines. The escalation of hostilities near frontlines in December 2021 and January 2022 led to the displacement of over 65,000 people as well as the deterioration of the humanitarian situation in southern Marib and surrounding areas.

The impact on children is staggering. Nearly 400,000 children under 5 years of age suffer from severe acute malnutrition and over 15.4 million people urgently need WASH services. Yemen, after being declared free of Polio since 2006 has witnessed an outbreak of vaccine derived polio virus type 1 and type 2 cases in August 2020 and November 2021 respectively. Vulnerabilities of children and women are increasing, leading to exploitation, violence and abuse, including child labour, forced recruitment, domestic and gender-based violence, child marriage and psycho-social distress.

During the month of January 2022, the UN Country Task Force on Monitoring and Reporting (CTFMR) documented 11 incidents of grave violations against children, 73 per cent of which were verified. There were 11 verified child casualties, including six children killed (2 girls, 4 boys) and five children maimed (3 boys; 2 girls), by various parties to the conflict. There was also an attack on a school and an attack on a hospital. Most of the incidents documented and verified were in the governorates of Taiz (3) and Sa’ada (3).

As of 31 January 2022, a cumulative number of 11,249 COVID-19 cases were officially confirmed since the beginning of the pandemic, with 2,026 associated deaths leading to an 18.2 per cent case fatality rate (CFR). Almost all the cases were reported in Hadramout, Aden, Abyan, Lahij, Al-Dhalea, Shabwah, Al-Maharah, Taiz, Socotra and Marib governorates. No cases were reported from to the northern governorates. In January, the country experienced its fourth wave of cases and associated deaths. The COVID-19 vaccination campaign in the southern governorates is ongoing. As of 31 January 2022, and since the start of the vaccination deployment in March 2021, a total of 349,761 people in the south of Yemen have been fully vaccinated against COVID-19, while 402,544 have been partially vaccinated.