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Tri-Cluster activities for vulnerable IDPs and conflict-affected population in Taiz and Al-Dhale'a [EN/AR]


General CCCM/SMC of IDP Hosting Sites:

Establishment of the SMC team (static°. mottle) per site/area Coordinate the operational entities, provision and access to services and protection in accordance with international standards aimed at guaranteeing the dignity of people and equitable access to basic services and fundamental rights. Ensure that gaps are addressed

In coordination with the CCCM subnational duster coordinators and as relevant CCCM area coordinators, establish regular site related coordination meetings with site level stakeholders

Establish per site a contact master list of stakeholders working In the site, who does what mapping and site level service mapping and levels of services delivered. These should be shared In the regular CCCM site level coordination meetings with all partners working lathe site

Monitoring of population size, movements (new arrivals and departures) within the sites

In coordination with the CCCM duster, estabish and implement multi-sector referral mechanisms aimed at ensuring that relevant responders are mobilised towards providing respective sectorial assistance identified as a gap (according to cluster standards)

In collaboration with the CCCM Cluster, regularly conduct Inter-cluster site levd data collection exercises

In collaboration with authorities, configuration of the site management systems, including the rules and regulations of the site, the entry and exit systems, the coordination mechanisms f or crowd control etc