Under the umbrella of the "Safe Space for Women and Girls" protection project funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), HUMAN ACCESS in Marib Governorate conducted a number of awareness sessions to increase women's awareness and inform them of their rights. The goal is to make Yemeni women aware of their rights so that they can achieve a more just and prosperous future.
In the Al-Jufaina area, the safe space implemented five different awareness sessions, the first was human rights awareness targeting 20 visitors to the space about women today and the importance of advancing them.
As for the four sessions, they are community awareness, the first was about the importance of women's education, and another session targeting 16 women entitled "Women between duties and rights".
In the third session, entitled "Violence against women and denial of access to resources", 21 women addressed the definition, causes, and effects of gender-based violence, as well as strategies for reducing it.
The fourth session was community awareness and group psychological support for the HUMAN ACCESS team about the safe space and referral services as well as the pivotal role of women in family cohesion and raising children.