Strategic Updates
Centrality of Protection
The Inter-Agency Humanitarian Evaluation of the Yemen Crisis (IAHE) conducted in 2022 established among other things that Protection had not been made central to the humanitarian response in Yemen and remained one of the most underfunded sectors under previous humanitarian response plans (HRPs), and further that mainstreaming of protection across all operations had not been supported strategically through the HCT. Whereas there have been HCT Protection Strategies in the past, the existence of such strategies has not always led to the elevation of protection as an overarching imperative in the Yemen response.
In December 2023, the PC and AoRs finalized the Centrality of Protection Strategy outlining the HCT protection priorities in the Yemen response and the operationalization of the CoP in the context of the HRP 2024. This was preceded by series of consultations with and the incorporation of feedback from the HCT, the inter-cluster coordination mechanism (ICCM), the Protection Cluster SAG, the donor community, the Durable Solutions Working Group among other coordination fora and groups in Yemen. The CoP Strategy is accompanied by an action plan outlining the activities to be implemented by different named actors towards the operationalization of the Strategy, and the timeline for each activity.
The 2024 HRP has incorporated the Centrality of Protection action plan for Yemen through various activities such as monitoring of the protection environment inside and outside IDP sites including in return, displacement and settlement areas, inter-sectoral referrals, advocacy and analysis.