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Protection Cluster Yemen: Guidance Note on Protection Considerations for the Flood Response Protection and Areas of Responsibility (Child Protection, Gender-Based Violence, and Mine Action)


Protection and Areas of Responsibility

(Child Protection, Gender-Based Violence, and Mine Action)

Overarching Principles

  • Core humanitarian principles of humanity, impartiality, neutrality, and independence should be observed at all times.

  • Ensure preparedness measures are based on careful analysis of the context.

  • Consistently and regularly involve and consult the affected population including all relevant groups with consideration to the context-specific vulnerabilities.

  • Ensure protection issues related to age, gender and diversity are properly addressed.

  • Ensure mechanisms for Accountability to Affected Populations are in place.

  • Work closely with the authorities and other relevant actors (RRM, DRR, other clusters including Shelter and CCCM).