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Paving the road for safer access in Alkhaisheen-Lahj

Four people from Ta’iz died on the eve of Eid Al-Adha (a Muslim holiday celebrated every year) last year after their car plunged off the road. They were travelling from Aden to Taiz to spend the holiday with their families. People still remember the horrible car accident that took the life of Ziad Abdullah from Alqabaitah, Lahj, and badly injured three other passengers who were riding with him.

Such heartbroken stories are not but many. People lost their loved ones because of the steep and bumpy road connecting Taiz to Lahj. It had been reported that approximately twenty cars had crashed and overturned just recently on the Alkhasheen road killing and injuring people.

Taiz to flee the conflict in Taiz to Lahj and Aden. It is also the only way in and out from Taiz as both Haifan and Karish roads are blocked most of the time by the warring factions. It has been estimated that at least 200 cars and trucks use this rough road everyday for travelling between Taiz and Lahj and then to Aden and for moving goods.

Funded by the World Bank, UNDP has partnered with the Public Works Project (PWP) under the Emergency Crisis Response Project (ECRP) to rehabilitate community infrastructure and assets to benefit crisis-affected communities from temporary income through labor intensive activities.

PWP visited and met with people living in the area to know about their priority need prior to the project. They all insisted on paving the bumpy and steep parts of Alkhaisheen road to make it safe for people and families to travel. Benefiting around 37, 282 people, including 574 IDPs, the project will set up a retaining wall up along 50 linear meters and pave an area of 450 meters.