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Outbreak update – Cholera in Yemen, 28 February 2019

28 February 2019 - The Ministry of Public Health and Population of Yemen reported 7419 suspected cases of cholera with eight associated deaths during epidemiological week 5 (28 January – 3 February ) of 2019. Ten percent of cases are severe. The cumulative total number of suspected cholera cases from 1 January 2018 to 3 February 2019 is 413 770, with 543 associated deaths (CFR 0.13%). Children under five represent 32.0% of all suspected cases. The outbreak has affected 22 of 23 governorates and 311 of 333 districts in Yemen.

From week 2 to week 5 in 2019, the trend of weekly reported suspected cholera cases was stable at the country level, although 223 districts have reported suspected cholera cases within the last three weeks. The governorates reporting the highest number of suspected cases of cholera during this reporting period were Al Hudaydah (1583), Amanat Al Asimah (978), Arman (902), Ibb (882), and Sana’a (850).

Of a total 11 275 samples collected since January 2018, 3492 have been confirmed as cholera-positive by culture at the central public health laboratories in Al Hudaydah, Sana’a, Taizz, and Aden governorates. During this reporting period, seven stool samples – from Amanat Al Asimah (4), Al Hudayadah (1), Aden (1) and Ibb (1) – tested positive.

WHO continues to provide leadership and support for activities with health authorities and partners to respond to this ongoing cholera outbreak, including case management, surveillance, laboratory investigations, water, sanitation and hygiene (WASH), and risk communication. In partnership with the World Bank, WHO delivered 30 mobile laboratory kits to monitor and test water quality in water networks, wells and water trucks. To further enhance laboratory capacity, WHO trained 25 laboratory technicians on sample collection, transportation, laboratory diagnosis and proper reporting of cases.