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Mine Action Update, November 2024 [EN/AR]


The United Nations Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) has recorded four (04) landmine and explosive remnants of war (ERW) related incidents in Hudaydah Governorate in November. In these incidents one (01) boy was injured, and four (04) civilians were killed. The four incidents occurred in Al-Hali, Al-Durayhmi and Al-Jarahi districts. The number of incidents is higher than the previous month. During the past year, Al Hali, At Tuhayta and Ad Durayhimi have been the most affected districts. Yemen remains heavily impacted by explosive devices with Hudaydah Governorate as one of the most impacted due to heavy fighting in the past and continued conflict along the frontlines in the south of the Governorate.

Mine Action Activities

In November 2024, the United Nations Mission to support the Hudaydah Agreement (UNMHA) Mine Action Team undertook 12 activities to enhance coordination and effectiveness in addressing the impact of landmines and explosive remnants of war in Yemen. These activities included engaging in strategic coordination meetings with Mine Action stakeholders, nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and UN counterparts, aimed at promoting stronger partnerships and streamlining efforts. The team also conducted introductory sessions in Sana’a to present the newly appointed UNMHA Mine Action Programme Officer, building trust and collaboration with active partners in the country.

Additionally, UNMHA Mine Action team attended a capacity development workshop “Developing and Updating National Standards for Mine Action Procedures on Victim Assistance,” in Sana’a, organized by Humanity and Inclusion (HI) and the Yemen Executive Mine Action Center (YEMAC). The workshop focused on improving operational guidelines and enhancing victim assistance protocols.

The Mission continues to monitor demarcation of the confirmed hazardous areas in the three ports of Hudaydah, Ras Issa, and As Salif as per the Mission’s mandate.