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A Light to Survive


“My little kids got sick with Cholera and Watery Diarrheas due to the polluted environment that I could not save them from. The water springs around the area became polluted with feces, compromising our only source of clean water. Eight years ago, I got Kidney stones which led to my Kidney removal. We are Waiting for a light to survive this life” said Mr. Qaid Al-Thulathi.

Mr. Al-Thulathi, a 60 years old man with a family contains twelve members under his charge; all living in Al-Shahooj village in Wusab Al-Alie district of Dhamar Governorate. They all literally share one meal a day, and sometimes, the kids go to school without any food in their bellies. Because of the crisis in the country, he tends little flock of sheep along with his work as a farmer sometimes to provide a living for his family in an effort to alleviate their poverty.

In Partnership with the World Food Programme, Building Foundation for Development intervened in Wusab Al-Alie through the project of (Promoting Resilience and Livelihoods), Mr. Al-Thulathi was selected to be one of the beneficiaries of the Food Assistance for Assets’ activity who will build latrines for his village. He was highly motivated worked with the goal of preventing water contamination and providing latrines to his family to protect his kids from what happened to him in the past. Also, the project aims to build the BNFs’ capacity with sets of skills to be a helping hand in the work market, in addition to the goal of alleviating their poverty. “We had capacity building from the project’s team on building and maintaining our facilities and keeping ourselves safe from diseases by Hygiene promotion, with that, we can help eradicating the water contamination in the surrounding area. I learned the needed skills to work after the end of the project cycles and then to provide the basic requirements for my family”, he concluded.