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IOM Yemen Appeal, January-December 2023



Despite the improvement of security situation for civilians after the announcement of an UN-brokered truce in April 2022, humanitarian needs continued to worsen across the country, especially for families living in protracted displacement and migrants from the Horn of Africa. IOM’s Displacement Tracking Matrix (DTM) estimates there are 2,302,346 internally displaced persons (IDPs) and 1,240,944 IDP returnees in 13 governorates in the south of Yemen. In 2022, DTM recorded the displacement of over 60,810 people in the south of Yemen, a considerable decrease from the recorded displacements in 2021 when over 157,554 people were displaced.
While the conflict did not trigger as many displacements in 2022, conflict-related reasons were still reported as a main driver of displacement. The needs of IDPs were aggravated by a weakened economy, rains and flooding, drought and fuel shortages.
The humanitarian situation shows no sign of improving, and the ongoing conflict is predicted to contribute to widening humanitarian needs and increased displacement. Some of those worst affected in Yemen are migrants transiting through or stranded close to frontlines, hoping to reach the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. In 2022, IOM’s DTM estimated that 73,233 migrants arrived in Yemen, almost triple the number of migrants that arrived in 2021, and more than 200,000 highly vulnerable migrants are estimated to be in need of humanitarian and protection support in Yemen.

IOM’s Appeal is guided by its integrated approach for humanitarian and stabilization programming, which mitigates risks, reduces gaps, ensures effectiveness and upholds humanitarian principles. IOM Yemen is prioritizing multisectoral, needs-based, rights-based and areabased approaches to respond effectively to the greatest vulnerabilities across Yemen by directly implementing its humanitarian and recovery assistance.
The strategic priorities of the Appeal are grounded in independent assessments that inform each intervention based on the realities of IOM’s capacity and context. Through its rights-based approach, IOM continues to advocate for the respect of human rights of all people in Yemen and rebuke human rights violations of marginalized groups such as migrants. IOM’s area-based approach focuses on response efforts in strategic locations where IOM can scale up its accountable humanitarian and recovery programming.