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Humanitarian Response Plan for Yemen 2012


  1. Executive Summary

Yemen is facing a complex emergency that includes widespread conflict-driven displacement and a slow-onset crisis in food security, malnutrition and outbreak of communicable diseases, particularly water-borne diseases. In the north, the vast majority of long-term internally displaced people (IDPs) displaced by six rounds of conflict in Sa‘ada remain in displacement due to fears of insecurity, damaged homes, a lack of livelihood opportunities and poor basic services. In the south, recent fighting between security forces and insurgents has additionally displaced nearly 90,000 people. The influx of migrants, refugees and asylum-seekers from the Horn of Africa continues, driven by conflict and famine. Civil unrest, in some instances involving high levels of violence, has severely disrupted the delivery of basic social services, exacerbating widespread and chronic vulnerabilities.

Weak economic growth, a growing trade deficit, and an unstable national currency have exposed the population to rising global food and fuel prices. A delayed political settlement to the current stalemate could trigger further conflict across the country which would only deepen the humanitarian crisis.

In response, the Humanitarian Country Team (HCT) intends a more comprehensive humanitarian response beyond the current focus primarily on IDPs and conflict-affected people in the north and south.
Efforts must expand to include both non-displaced and non-conflict-affected populations in acute humanitarian need across the country. The HCT is requesting US$447 million to respond to nearly four million target beneficiaries spread across the country. This is still only 44% of the total population in need, whose numbers are expected to significantly rise during 2012. The funding requirements are 95% over 2011‘s original requirements, and 54% over the requirements as revised during the Mid-Year Review, reflecting the expansion of needs and the higher costs associated with delivering aid (e.g. insecurity, fuel prices).

The HCT has agreed to five key objectives: to (1) conduct assessments that identify vulnerable populations; (2) identify and implement appropriate responses; (3) increase focus on protection and advocacy for vulnerable populations; (4) ensure that preparedness and capacity-building effectively respond to humanitarian needs; and (5) strengthen community resilience and recovery. Humanitarian early recovery and development interface across the country, where possible, will be a prominent component of this Yemen Humanitarian Response Plan. The HCT will also explore alternative means to deliver assistance within the existing security situation, building on modalities that have proved effective in Yemen and elsewhere, including remote management and working through local partners.

Many communities facing acute needs are wholly reliant upon humanitarian aid. Recent malnutrition data in the north and south of the country indicate rates are at crisis levels, with global acute malnutrition rates well above the emergency threshold. Without adequate intervention, there is a risk that the north could slide into severe food insecurity. Similarly, due to disruption in routine vaccination programmes, there is a risk that deadly but preventable diseases such as polio will reemerge. Water, sanitation and hygiene assistance remains critical to provide communities with safe, clean water and sanitation facilities, and to combat the risk of acute watery diarrhoea and cholera.

Protection concerns are also mounting, including those related to the use of child soldiers by many armed groups. Sustained and expanded humanitarian action across the country is critical.


UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs
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