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Humanitarian Action for Children 2017 - Yemen


  • Total people in need: 18.8 million

  • Total children (<18) in need: 9.6 million

  • Total people to be reached in 2017: 9.8 million

  • Total children to be reached in 2017: 6.9 million

2017 programme targets


  • 323,000 children under 5 affected by SAM admitted for treatment

  • 4,528,000 children under 5 received micronutrient interventions


  • 5,342,000 children under 5 vaccinated against polio

  • 1.07 million children under 5 received primary health care


  • 4,068,000 affected people accessed safe water supply

  • 654,000 affected people accessed basic standard hygiene kits

Child protection

  • 571,000 children benefited from psychosocial support

  • 1,347,000 people reached with information on protecting themselves from mines/unexploded ordnance/explosive remnants of war


  • 417,000 provided with access to education via temporary learning spaces, school rehabilitation and capitation grants

  • 560,000 conflict-affected children received school supplies

Social protection

  • 105,000 affected and extremely vulnerable people provided with humanitarian cash transfers

Almost two years of conflict in Yemen have left 18.8 million people – some 70 per cent of the population – in need of humanitarian assistance. After the United Nations-backed peace talks were suspended in August 2016, airstrikes and hostilities intensified and civilians are paying the price. Close to 4,000 civilians have died as a direct result of the conflict,including 1,332 children. At least 14.5 million people lack access to safe water and sanitation and 14.8 million have limited or no access to health services, compounding a cholera crisis that has put 7.6 million people at risk. The nutrition situation has deteriorated, with 3.3 million children and pregnant or lactating women suffering from acute malnutrition and more than 460,000 children under 5 suffering from severe acute malnutrition (SAM). The near collapse of national services has left an estimated 2 million children out of school. Almost 2.2 million internally displaced persons, nearly half of them children, as well as 1 million returnees and many host communities are also in need of assistance. Ongoing conflict and the deteriorating economic situation have put essential public services such as health on the verge of collapse, leaving children and women at even higher risk.