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Hard Work Forever Pays


“As resulted out of the crisis and the payroll stop in YEMEN, my family and I suffered from the lack of the simplest needs in life. Some days, my wife, kids and I sleep without any food in our bellies,” said Ibrahim.

Ibrahim Qashmar, a husband and a father of Four kids, all live in Al-Ma’aterah – Barat Al-Anan district of AlJawf Gov.
Food security is not the only issue in Al-Jawf Gov, there is also the drought that affects wide areas in the Governorate.

Mr. Qashmar was assigned to be one of the beneficiaries working in the ‘Dam construction asset’, working and learning from the skilled labor there. Traveling from his home by foot to the asset site to work hard and learn the necessary skills to have his own craft one day. He and his fellow workers learned the needed skills to support their families and put food on their tables.

“I felt desperate and lost hope in finding an amount of fund to lunch my small project. When the project started (Rehabilitation and Livelihoods), I worked among the skilled labor in (Mason cutting) and learned a great deal on that, and now we have the needed knowledge to work on our own”, added Ibrahim.

Ibrahim needed a start to turn his living situation, adding to the equation, the acquired knowledge he got from working in the asset, along with his fellow workers, they are making a good team where each learned a skill and crafted it.

“Once we finish constructing the Dam, it will hold the needed amount of water to be provided in the times of drought, that will get the community a one step closer to a secure source of water” Ibrahim concluded.