"We face severe suffering in all the details of our lives and we were deprived of the most basic services including roads which are considered the lifeline, and I do not think that there is suffering more than what we suffer in this village where some residents use «ropes», or carrying things and gallons of water on their shoulders and heads for two hours, others transport their things by donkeys.
Decades ago, the dream of many residents of mountainous villages in some districts of Al Mahwit Governorate (northwest of Sana’a), represented in paving a road for vehicles to their villages, remains inherited from generation to generation.
Ahmed *(one of the residents), feels very sad because there is no road to his village, which is located in Al Asuos sub-district of Milhan district (west of the governorate), saying: « We face severe suffering in all the details of our lives and we were deprived of the most basic services including roads which are considered the lifeline, and I do not think that there is suffering more than what we suffer in this village where some residents use «ropes», or carry things and gallons of water on their shoulders and heads for two hours, others transport their things by donkeys.”
Despite all the constraints and difficulties, Building Foundation for Development is reaching those remote sub-districts and providing the services of Targeted and Blanket supplementary feeding programs at targeted health facilities and food distribution points.
29 health facilities are supported by treatment nutrition (Plumpy Sup and WSB) which is provided to malnourished children under five and pregnant and lactating women. In addition, 53 food distribution points are supported by complementary nutrition (Plumpy Doz & WSB) which is provided for all children under two and pregnant and lactating women.
In spite of the unpaved and difficult roads and unmotivated conditions health workers and community health volunteers go through, the health workers feel happy to help and provide nutrition services for vulnerable people in their communities who are in the most need. The community appreciates this intervention and hopes that such services continue to be provided at targeted health facilities and FDPs to limit the huge spread of malnutrition.