Afaf Amin Qassem is a 27-year-old woman from Malaouha sub-district, Shar'ab ArRawnah district, Taiz Gov. She is pregnant in the third month. Afaf was suffering from moderate vaginal bleeding. Afaf and her mother arrived at Al-Hriah Rural Hospital. Her yellow pale face was telling the details of her bad condition. Fear was filling her eyes, fearing for her fetus life because she had been burned by the fire of abortion before, due to eclampsia. Seconds were passing like hours, and her biggest fear became that she would lose her fetus. Afaf was suffering from severe pain in the lower abdomen that almost ended her hope of preserving her fetus, and this reflects what happens in many cases that come to AlHriah Rural Hospital, especially the poorest and most affected vulnerable groups like Afaf. When Afaf arrived at the hospital, the medical staff of Deem for Development Organization, funded by the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), was waiting for her and she was carried over a patient bed. Each of the medical staff does a job, one takes vital signs, another withdraws a laboratory test sample, and a third brings the necessary medicines. Everyone in Al-Hriah Rural Hospital is on alert and fully prepared for such cases. Here, hope appeared, and Afaf felt that life is still fine as long as there are such angels. This attention and care were an effective psychological treatment for Afaf, as her morale has been risen and the smile returned back to her face, especially after the medical team reassured and gave her hope that her condition was not in a serious condition. “After completing all necessary procedures to stop the bleeding, and giving the injection to stabilize the fetus, we made Afaf aware of the importance of following up her condition by making regular visits to the hospital to follow-up her health,” Suad Al-Agbari, the midwife said. The mother was holding the hand of her daughter “Afaf”, who promised to make her daughter follow up on her condition in the coming days, “I am grateful to the medical team at Al-Hriah Rural Hospital for their free and quick help to my daughter, and may Allah bless them all,” The mother expressed her gratitude.