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CSSW carries out various activities in diseases control

During the period of January - June, CSSW carried out a number of disease control activities, such as cholera, diarrhea, diphtheria, dengue fever, malaria, measles and other fever diseases. The target areas were the districts of Sala, al-Mazaffar, and al-Qahira in Taiz Governorate, the districts of Dar Sa’d, al-Mualla, and Shaikh Othman in Aden Governorate, and the districts of Zunjubar, Khanfar and Lawdar in Abyan Governorate.

Dr. Zaker al-Yusufi, director of diseases and epidemics control program, indicated that CSSW operated 124 health facilities in the targeted districts and supported them with health personnel, medicines, medical supplies, hygiene kits, chlorinated water, and fuels, benefiting (290,573) patients.

He added that the program carried out (20) training courses for health workers in the targeted districts, which contributed to empower (400) health worker trainees with basic skills in health care of cholera, diarrhea, diphtheria and dengue fever patients.

Worth to mention that the program carried out (2170) education sessions and (16220) home-to-home awareness visits, benefiting (160,127) individuals of both males and females, children and adults. In addition, hygiene kits were distributed benefiting (10,000) families, and (6) cleaning and awareness materials distribution campaigns carried out benefiting (250,000) people in the targeted districts.