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Council conclusions on Yemen

3082nd FOREIGN AFFAIRS Council meeting

Luxembourg, 12 April 2011

The Council adopted the following conclusions:

"The Council reiterates its utmost concern at the deteriorating situation in Yemen. The Council strongly condemns the new wave of violence and repression against peaceful demonstrators and deeply deplores the further loss of life. It reiterates that protests must be dealt with peacefully.

The Council calls on the Yemeni authorities to abide by their responsibility to respect and protect human rights and fundamental freedoms for all persons, including their freedom of expression, to ensure their safety and prevent further bloodshed. The Council and Member States underline that they will keep the full range of their policies towards Yemen under continuous review in the light of developments.

The European Union calls for a full and independent investigation into all recent events which have resulted in loss of life and injuries. Those responsible must be held accountable and brought to justice.

The Council repeats its call on the government of Yemen and all parties to engage immediately in constructive, comprehensive and inclusive dialogue with the opposition parties and the youth. The EU stands ready to support this process. In this regard the Council welcomes the initiative of the GCC and fully recognises the role the GCC can play as a mediator. The Council urges President Saleh to take without delay concrete steps to enable a credible and peaceful political transition in Yemen."